Notes for Nov. 2 Elections
"I do think there is a high probability right now that Republicans take control of the House." U.S. Rep. Jim Himes, D-Conn., Oct. 27, 2010
"This country has come to feel the same when Congress is in session as when the baby gets hold of a hammer." Will Rogers, Humorist, Democrat
"The magnitude of the catastrophe facing the Democratic Party in the fall elections is only gradually becoming clear to the leaders of both parties. "The Democrats will lose both the Senate and the House. They will lose more House seats in 2010 than the 54 they lost in 1994 and they will lose the Senate, possibly with some seats to spare. In state after state, the races that were once marginal are now solidly Republican, those that were possible takeaways are now likely GOP wins and the impossible seats are now fully in play." Former Clinton pollster/advisor, Dick Morris, Sep. 8, 2010
I plan on voting on Tues. Nov. 2 to help make history, to rescue my adopted nation from radical egalitarians and to hopefully rebuild this country for posterity.