Sep 26, 2008

McCain v. Obama: Round 1 goes to McCain

Presidential Debates 2008 Round 1

Width and depth
After viewing the debate and before listening to pundits, I saw U.S. Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) provide significant depth and width to issues of foreign policy and national security. U.S. Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) also provide width but lacked depth.

Style vs. substanceSen. Obama presented his marquee style while Sen. McCain displayed seriousness, though both were relevant and sober about the issues. McCain showed substance, reflecting his 26 years of congressional experience and knowledge of foreign policy and national security.

Score: McCain 67 vs. Obama 33
Based on a 100 scale, I saw Obama garner 33 points with his style and limited grasp of the national/international issues. McCain significantly overcame Obama's effort with personal experiences, personal details and a wealth of understanding of leaders and foreign policy and national security issues.

Obama lost an opportunity but still has a chance--later

Obama has another opportunity later when the issues focus on domestic as well as economic issues. Obama was very competitive with McCain early in this first debate when the discussion concentrated on domestic and economic issues, but his lack of a substantive platform and bold details prevented him from taking an early lead. As the debate left the domestic context, McCain left Obama feeling the waves as McCain left with his Navy ship sailing around the Seven Seas with a strong grasp of the issues.

What are your thoughts, not the pundits thoughts, yours?

A poll of over 168,000 voters: 68% McCain, 31% Obama, 2% neither won (Sep. 27, 2008 at 1:ooam). Again, what do you think after seeing the debate with your own eyes?

Sep 6, 2008

Faith of Her Mother: Profile of the Faith of Sarah Palin

Faith of Her Mother: Profile of the Faith of Sarah Palin

According to some news reports, Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin recently blamed supporters of the Democratic presidential ticket for spreading "misinformation and flat-out lies" about her and her family ( What is the truth about Palin?

Just the facts: Sarah's source
Who is Sarah Palin, and what is the source of her strength, what developed her view of family, and what informs her politics and worldview?

The church
A few weeks before the national spotlight focused on her, an 11 year member of Wasilla Bible Church, Jeff Disney said, "We sat in front of Sarah and Todd Palin at church two weeks ago. That day we dedicated their new baby, just the way you would have liked it. They are solid, sold out for the Lord," and strong believers of the Bible. The Disneys have known the Palins for three years.

Sarah, plain and tall
Before attending Wasilla Bible Church, Sarah Palin was born a Roman Catholic, then grew up as a member of an Assemblies of God church, a conservative and pentecostal Christian denomination. As reported by the Associated Press, currently, according to the McCain-Palin campaign, she frequents different churches and does not consider herself a pentecostal (a Christian body that believes in the apostolic gifts of the Holy Spirit as active today).

While in high school, she led the local Fellowship of Christian Athletes group. Known as a tough player, "Sarah Barracuda," led her girls' basketball in prayer and in play to a state championship.

Church and more churches
According to the National Catholic Reporter, Palin often attends an independent Christian church called Church on the Rock in Wasilla, Alaska (go to for church statement of faith). An AP religion writer also noted that Palin infrequently attends Juneau Christian Center. Finally, a Time magazine article concluded that the Palin's church of worship is Wasilla Bible Church ( for church statement of faith), as confirmed by the testimony of the church member who witnessed the baby dedication.

Faith and practice
Facts concur that Palin is a faithful churchgoer, but does her faith translate to actions in life and in politics?

Early testing revealed that Palin's fifth child would be born with Down syndrome. While 90% of mothers of Down syndrome babies choose abortion, Palin's longterm pro-life position and faith pointed to one decision--birth and "blessing." The Anchorage Daily News reported, "she was sad at first but they now feel blessed that God chose them."

Culture of life
Palin's press statement this past spring explained their sentiments:

"Trig is beautiful and already adored by us. We knew through early testing he would face special challenges, and we feel privileged that God would entrust us with the gift and allow us unspeakable joy as he entered our lives.

The statemented concluded:
"We have faith that every baby is created for good purpose and has potential to make this world a better place. We are truly blessed."

A quiet but firm faith from her mother
Boston Globe religion writer Michael Paulson summed up Palin's faith and practice:
"Her Christian faith, they say, came from her mother, who took her children to area Bible churches as they were growing up . . . . her faith has been steady since high school . . . and grew stronger as she sought out believers in her college years. Palin doesn't brandish her religion on the campaign."

"Wearing her faith quietly fits more with Palin's personality," said longtime Alaska resident Chas St. George.

Three years ago, at the Interact Ministry ( conference, "nobody introduced her," said Disney. She and Todd were just sitting quietly at his table when he (Disney) realized that this is the mayor of Wasilla. They were there to give money to a ministry that cared for the spiritual and physical needs of northern communities around Alaska, Canada and Russia.

It was here that Disney and his wife became acquainted with the Palins. "We were ask to host a table and we got to know them a bit there." When ask if she's really who she portrays herself, Disney said, "When you listen to her, you can tell!"

The children are active in church events. Todd and Sarah "are both great parents. I can hardly picture Todd without him having one of his kids hanging on him or in his arms - he is a very involved and loving father." Todd is also a four-time champion of the Iron Dog, roughly a 2000 mile snow-machine race over land, rivers and some open ocean from Wasilla to Nome, Alaska. He is a "man's man" but also "Mr. Mom and kids love him." He is both strong and soft but always, according to Sarah's Republican Convention acceptance speech, "my man."

Wasilla Bible Church associate pastor Ashley Brown believes in her integrity: "What she says is what she thinks. Her actions back it up and her words match her beliefs."

Disney agrees that as a professing Christian, Sarah Palin is full of "integrity." She does "the right thing when no one is looking," including taking pay cuts instead of the offered raises, said Wasilla church member and longtime Wasilla and Alaskan voter. As one of her first acts as governor, she listed the govenor's jet on Ebay. Palin "believes in Jesus Christ and is a born-again believer."

Senior Pastor Larry Kroon has taught the Palins, Disneys and many other families using an "inductive style" of teaching, meticulously teaching the Bible one of at a time. The church recently finished going through the Gospel of Mark, using Scripture to prove Scripture while scrutinizing various interpretations for biblical accuracy. Her quiet faith and integrity have come through resulting into political reformation.

She "has cleaned house in the state," Disney said. Her belief in Christ as savior, Lord and creator orients her politics, including the belief for equal time to creationism in public schools, serving the people and public integrity.

Politics, promises and marathons
Sarah Palin's authenticity has turned presidential politics up-side-down. The McCain-Palin ticket promises real reform to the well known politics of personal destruction and corruption. This is just the beginning, so will this marathon running mayor and governor go the political distance?

If this GOP ticket can root out DC corruption half as successfully as Palin did in Juneau against her own party, then the Straight Talk Express would really have something to say. Campaign finance reform and other anti-corruption reforms would truly pale in (or Palin) comparison!